Tuesday 27 February 2018

What can be done to achieve- Back Pain Relief

So many people suffer from the back pain, neck pain or cervical pain. There are so many reasons behind this fatal pain. And to get the back pain relief is not that much hard. There are so many treatments available for back pain.

Back pain treatment depends on its precise cause. Options can be rest, traction, heat or cold applications, soft-collar traction, physical therapy (ultrasound, massage, manipulation), local injections of cortisone, , topical pain-relief patches, muscle relaxants, analgesics, and sometimes surgical procedures, too. 

Sometimes back pain is caused by activities that involve repeated or prolonged movements of the neck. That may result in a strain (an overstretched or overused muscle), a sprain (injury to a ligament), or a spasm of the neck muscles.

Focusing intensely on a task and stress can also cause back pain. Tension may develop in one or more of the muscles that connect the head, neck, and shoulders. 

Back pain relief can also be achieved by some alternative treatments, depending on the particular problem and past treatment experiences. Alternative methods that have been used for a chronic cervical pain treatment are: 

Acupressure, herbal remedies, massage and yoga.
Chiropractic care.
Physical therapy 

 A treatment plan should be developed by back pain doctor, only after a complete history, physical examination and any suggestive tests. Because the cervical pain treatment options differ for each condition. We can understand that a simple strain will be treated far differently than a heart attack!
In developing a treatment plan for back pain relief, the back pain doctor may suggest a combination of medication, therapy and other alternative treatments such as acupressure, exercise or yoga. 

 Back pain treatment options are following:  

1. Medications:  The medication for back pain relief may take a few days to settle the pain down. The most common drugs are acetaminophen (Tylenol) with or without an anti-inflammatory medicine such as ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve). 

2. Immobilization: This may be carried out  using a splint, cast, or sling. But while using these devices one should first concern the back pain relief doctor.

3. Acupressure:  Acupressure practitioners say that human body has an energy force called “Qi” or “Chi”.They believe that when the Chi is blocked, one can develop a physical illness. Acupressure works towards restoring a healthy and energetic flow of Chi. 

4. Massage: Mostly a neck pain is caused by stress, overuse, and misuse of the part. For example, sitting hunched over the computer for too long every day in order to finish the work. Massage always help release the stress and relieve muscle inflammation and pain.  

5. Yoga: Performing yoga, can increase core strength, improve balance and posture, and reduce stress. These are the things that help to deal with neck pain.
These alternative treatments will definitely help to gain back pain relief. But don’t forget to take the advice of your doctor and don’t try to treat your cervical pain by yourself. 
One should keep in mind that these treatments may need to be used in conjunction with other neck pain treatments, in order to fully address your pain. And no one but the back pain doctor can suggest you the best for your particular pain.

Friday 2 February 2018

Highly Effective Sciatica Treatment in Mumbai

Our backbone is made up of many vertebrae which are placed one over the other separated by intervertebral discs. The spinal cord is present in the backbone, and the brain sends signals through the nerves via the spine. The brain and spinal cord make the central nervous system that controls the whole body and systems.

Sciatica- It became essential to take care of the nervous system to keep all the systems working and healthy. But sometimes, due to some injury or any other reason, the vertebrae slip over each other causing disc bulge or slipped disc leading to unbearable pain. In few cases, the nerve compresses due to diminished space between vertebrae. The sciatica nerve compresses leading to pain in one or both legs. The radiating pain in the leg due to sciatica can be treated in various ways.

Diagnosis- The diagnosis includes CT scan, MRI, X-ray, or any nerve conduction velocity tests. The restricted movement of the spine reduces the function and the performance of the nervous system. The symptoms and physical examination of the patient form another basis for diagnosis.

Symptoms- The pain from slipped disc or sciatica is not localized. It radiates down the leg besides affecting the thighs, buttocks and lower back. In acute cases, it results in loss of sensation. In this situation, you may need immediate medical intervention.

Sciatica treatment- Sciatica is caused due to spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disc or herniated disc. The treatment depends on the underlying cause.

•    Physiotherapy and exercises- The non-invasive treatment include physiotherapy and exercises with or without medicines. The doctors prescribe a few medication including painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs and advice exercises for muscle strength.

•    Chiropractic therapy- Another non-surgical treatment is chiropractic care involving spinal manipulation to release a compressed nerve. The chiropractic therapy also adds corrective exercises and diet changes.

•    Hot fomentation/ice therapy- The affected part got swollen leading to less movement of the joint so to remove swelling hot fomentation works best, or alternative is ice therapy.

Chiropractic therapies- Spinal manipulation is the core of sciatica treatment by chiropractic therapy. This manual therapy ranges from high-pressure adjustment techniques to gentle pressure procedures. The treatment depends on solely the symptoms of the patient. The chiropractors also provide lifestyle advice along with therapy so that the symptoms may not reappear in future.

In lower back slipped disc, the sciatic nerve is often blocked causing tingling or numbness with radiating pain in the leg. The disc can also bulge in the upper back leading to neck pain or discomfort in that portion. The treatment for slipped disc includes rest and medication at first and leading an active life afterward. As the pain subsides, try to do exercise and gradually increase the intensity. Activity will slowly improve your condition and pain subsides with time.

In some chronic cases, you may require surgery while non-invasive therapies can solve others. The operation has many complications, and you must be very careful while selecting a surgeon. The experienced one will diagnose your problem and put surgery as the last option. The unconventional methods of treatment are gaining approval as they do not include medicines and free from side effects.

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Different types of Back Pains and how to diagnose them

Anyone who has gone through any kind of Back Pain would know, that it is a persistent and stinging kind of pain that disrupts your peace of mind and ends up restricting you from various activities from you day to day life. While there are 3 very basic back pain types, it could get more complex than that. For back pain treatment, it is always recommended to seek the help of a chiropractor/ physiotherapist for an expert opinion. 

The three kinds of back pains are:

One of the short-term back pains is called acute pain, which typically lasts for up to 3 months. This could be the result of an injury from playing sports, falling on the ground, labor pain during child birth, or sustaining any burns. The pain from this type is usually quick and prickly in nature. While it is not extremely alarming, it could get affected by other stimuli’s and get agitated, which could cause it to become chronic and last longer. Good care needs to be taken while it lasts, in order to avoid instigating the pain.

The other kind of Back pain, which is quite prevalent especially amongst older and middle-aged people, is the chronic type. This is known to stay for approximately three to six months and is quite persistent and stiff in nature. This kind of pain is usually seen in people who, sub-consciously, end up doing activities that cause harm to their spinal and lower back areas, like lifting heavy objects without proper supervision, sitting in awkward positions, slouching, and hunching a lot. This is a more long-term type of pain and requires a relatively longer course of back pain treatment. 

There are many cases of back pain treatment in Mumbai which are chronic due to the pressures of the work places and unhealthy lifestyles of younger working professionals. In chronic type of back pain, either the reason is identifiable or not, usually it could be slip disc, sciatic pain, spondylitis, etc. and if it does not subside in a given amount of time, spinal surgery can be considered.

The third kind of back pain is called Neuropathic pain. Under this, the pain is felt along the nervous system and gives a tingling, burning, or stabbing kind of pain. While the neuropathic pain is similar to chronic in terms of amount of time it stays, it is different in nature. In this case, back pain treatment needs to be provided immediately which would allow the nerves to heal. If treatment is not provided on time, under this kind of pain, it could get worse and might need stronger treatment.

While there are various ways to diagnose your back pain yourself, it is always advised to visit a chiropractor for expert advice and back pain treatment. An X-ray is a foolproof way to diagnose the problems with your back. It will give you a detailed look at your spinal structure and help you analyze the problem. A CT Scan is also another way to figure out the specificity of the conditions of the back pain. An MRI scan can be performed in order to figure out problems like Herniated disc, etc

Tuesday 19 December 2017

The Ultimate Solutions To Sciatica Pain For Long-Term Relief

Sciatica is a very painful condition in which the sciatic nerves that run from the buttocks to the leg gets affected thereby causing excruciating pain at the back which makes a person very uncomfortable to do the regular activities. Sciatica treatment can help in getting relief from the pain and if you continue the following treatments, the pain can gradually fade away.

Chiropractic treatment:

This treatment can help in curing the pain of sciatica to a large extent. If you maintain a routine and disciplined chiropractic treatment, then there are chances that you can get more relief from the pain within some days. You can discontinue the treatment if your pain is healed completely.


Yoga is indeed the best treatment for almost all sorts of diseases and it goes well for sciatica. It is better to consult a yoga trainer in learning the specific yoga postures that can heal the sciatica pain and you can practice the poses regularly in the home. Yoga can help in treating sciatica effectively.


Another sort of sciatica treatment is the acupuncture where specialists of the treatment can specifically get you the best of acupuncture to the point where it is required. Through the painless needles which are used in the treatment, it can help the muscles to stay fit and relaxed thereby decreasing the pain.

Massage therapy:

Massages or with the help of physiotherapy, you can also get relief from the sciatica pain which is otherwise very excruciating and can almost leave your leg numb. The treatment includes the soft tissue manipulation through some basic messages that can fully relax the sciatica nerves and hence help you to get well.

Tropical treatment:

The topical treatment for sciatica includes the use of some sort of Ayurvedic or essential oils that are strong enough to put an impact on the painful nerves and can heal or relax the nerves to a great extent. The oils act as the anti-inflammatory products that will pacify the painful nerves.


Sciatica treatment can include a lot of processes but some effective exercises can always make a great difference. You can combat with the pain of sciatica if you follow the exercises regularly and thereby can also help to prevent the future relapses of the sciatica pain and hence it is important that you maintain the exercise routine regularly.

Warm and cold treatment:

The warm or the cold treatment is very effective in treating the problem. It is important that you either press hot water bag or get some ice on the affected area for getting relief from the pain. Pain can be treated well with both these methods and is very important for instant relief.

Sciatica Treatment can be done in various ways but it is important to know the signs and symptoms of the ailment even before treating it. Prolonged sitting, lack of physical activities, lifting weight in an improper manner can worsen the sciatica pain. It is important that you maintain proper posture and exercise daily to reduce the pain.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Chiropractic benefits aid in better health management for aged people

Chiropractic treatment benefits are far-fetched. A person can easily get the advantages of this treatment and within a few days the changes can be seen. The remedy is best suited for elderly people who have suffered lots of health issues and now they need some extra fitness to carry on with the chores on a daily basis. Here are some of the benefits of the treatment.

Overall health development: 

Back pain relief is the most important factor behind this treatment besides the overall development in health. There are old people who suffer from tremendous back pain either due to injury or due to their increased age but chiropractic can heal the wounds to a large extent and thereby help to get relief from pain.

Boosts the immunity: 

The treatment is excellent is boosting the immunity within the aged people. With increasing age, people always find it difficult to fight with various diseases as their immunity gets low than before. This make the brain send signals to all parts of the body and thereby make each part work well.

Relief from extreme pain::  

This is one of the finest process through which a person can get relief from serious pain which is unbearable on a daily basis. Due to the decrease in density of the bone, the elderly people often suffer from bone fracture and other problems like arthritis. The bones can be safeguarded through this treatment.

Coordination and maintained balance:  

The coordination of body with the brain and maintaining balance of the body can be well developed at this age as well. The treatment can make the receptors work properly even at this age and hence you will find extra confidence in doing the daily works as well while participating in various other activities.

Range of motion: 

Range of motion can be increased than before besides back pain relief which can help the aged people to live their life more healthy and happy. They can walk a mile more or can do mare activities throughout the day without feeling pain after this treatment and thus can indulge in gardening and other hobbies.

Increase the flexibility 

Flexibility within aged people has developed drastically and they can easily take part in various games and sports. They can also enjoy time with kids and pets. Some people can also increase their own flexibility in doing things related to their likings. This can increase their feeling of goodness and thus can make them lead a content life.

Quality of health increases:

The quality of life and how the elderly people lead them can be enhanced with this treatment. People can become more confident to carry out everyday chores. Some of the people suffer less from arthritis with the continuation of this specific care. Reports show a decrease in the number of hospital admission of a person under chiropractic care.  

Hence from the above benefits it is clear that the chiropractic treatments is best for the elderly people not only because the treatment can decrease the pain but because of the fact that the treatment can provide a healthy life to the aged people who suffer from various age related health issues that can be controlled easily. 

Friday 1 December 2017

Seven Habits To Arrest Back Pain

Though the real causes of back pain are still unknown, one can take some proactive steps to prevent back pain by changing a few daily habits that can protect the spine in a better way. By following these important steps, one can avoid visiting a Back Pain Doctor. The given ideas are about reducing unnecessary strain, relieving stress as well strengthening the muscles. Read on to find these seven secret daily habits.

Pillow under your knees: As per experts, sleeping on your back puts lots of pressure on your spine. Hence, by keeping a pillow between your knees during your sleep time can reduce the pressure to a great extent. By elevating the legs slightly relieves the stress on the back while you sleep.

Change your footwear: 

Shoes and other foot-wears with the high heeled feature can surely create an impact on your spine that can result in back pain later. Hence, it is always better to wear a comfortable pair of shoes with the low-heeled feature. Foot doctors always recommend wearing shoes that have heels measuring less than an inch.

The increase of calcium and vitamin D intake:  

One can prevent osteoporosis which is found to be one of the common causes of back pain especially for women as well as senior citizens.  By consuming more calcium diet as well as Vitamin D, one can reduce the risk of back pain and avoid the common Cervical Pain Treatment in the later years.

Straighten Up:  

Having a good posture is not simply means to look proper. Straightening up with the right posture allows your spine to stay healthy and makes more functional. Continuous wrong or bad posture can even weaken the structure of spine itself. One has to avoid bending sideways in the standing posture.

Select a right chair: 

Choose a right chair while sitting on the workplaces. More often we spend more time on sitting at our workplaces and hence choose the right chair that offers a better support to the lower back area. Also, ensure to keep your keens slightly above the level of your hip. People who suffer from back pain can also try this tip to get a Back Pain Relief at workplaces.

Keep moving: 

Whenever you are in a workplace or in other places avoid sitting or standing for long hours. By this, you will give undue stress to your spine and hence keep on moving around to reduce such pressure your spine may encounter. Also, do not practice to sit in an awkward position while sitting o standing.

Carry less load:

Back pain is more often caused by improper of carrying your load on the shoulders. Either you carry less weight or distribute the weight to both shoulders and exchange between shoulders. It is always better to use trolley bags or rolling cart while dealing heavy loads.  

Apart from the above referred seven daily habits, you can start some back pain exercises to support your spine, and among many such exercises, Yoga seems to the best option for you to get away from Back Pain Treatment. Since our present lifestyles allow us to live a sedentary routine, caring our backs has become mandatory. 

Monday 27 November 2017

What Are The Causes And Symptoms Of Sciatica? How Chriopractic is helpful?

Sciatica is a medical condition of heavy pressure on the sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve in the body. Such a condition leads to acute back pain which radiates from the lower back to the knee. In this context, the concerned patient needs Sciatica Treatment which is administered in accordance with the severity of the pain. Since this pain is stabbing, it disturbs the normal activities of the suffering patient.

·        Sciatica Causes: 

     The causes of sciatica are many. As per experts, this condition can stem from various ailments. The effect of lumbar disc herniation which offers pressure or any irritation of the sciatic nerve can always produce the symptom of sciatica. The period of pregnancy is said to carry the risk of this condition in the female patients.

·        Sciatica Symptoms: 

       A sciatica condition causes severe pain, numbness from the region of lower back through upper buttock down to the back of the leg. At times the pain aggravates during walking or bending at the waist. Generally, the pain gets relieved while lying down or by changing the positions.

·        Risk Factor: 

      The risk factors for sciatica seem to be many and hence the concerned patient need to consult the medical experts for guidance and treatment. When ignored for a long time, sciatica can lead to many issues such as arthritis of the lumbar spine, lumbar disc disease, and slipped disc and so on.

·        Chiropractic Treatment:
      If the patient is looking for an alternative and long-term remedy, chiropractic (Chrio) treatment seems to be the best option. This unique treatment is done by the experts who are known as Chiropractors who are trained to induce spinal adjustments manually by using hands. With this kind of painless Sciatica Treatment, the spine can be aligned to reduce the pressure on the sciatic nerve. This entire treatment begins with a heat therapy to loosen the muscles in the affected area. You can visit Chiropractor in Mumbai if considering chiropractic treatment for Sciatica.

·        General Treatment:  

      Treatment of sciatica is believed to be linked with treating a bulging disc. Medical experts offer the first line of treatment by oral medications to reduce the inflammation and pressure of the sciatic nerve. For arresting acute pain, spinal injections are given with some steroids like cortisone. Many medical practitioners prescribe the Sciatica exercise for the suffering patients. These exercises easy out the pain as well build a stronger limber body when practiced daily. These exercise programs are primarily geared to stretch and strengthen the lower back muscles and the legs. Regular exercise is mandatory for the suffering patients to get away from the pain.

When it comes to Sciatica Treatment, there seems to be a growing acceptance of some natural remedies which are safer and mild in bringing a healthier back. Though medications bring quick pain relief, it can be avoided on a long run.  Here, the concerned patient needs to search for a holistic method to get away from the problem. Undoubtedly, Chiropractic approach seems to be one of the beneficial treatments that aim to treat the sciatic pain issue from the root and healing it on a permanent basis. Chiro is also good for Slipped Disc Treatment and other musclo-skeletal issues.